Supervisor: Nickolas Rajkovich
Design Team: Mahan Mehrvarz, Brett Doster, Garrett Herbst
Client: University at Buffalo GRoW House (2015 second Prize on Solar Decathlon competition)
Spring 2015
This project was designed to be the interior storyteller of buffalo GRoW house in 2015 Solar Decathlon competition (entry from University at Buffalo) which was an eco-house for an urban farmer who live , garden, and relax in the house.
Imagined as a dual storage and pickling station for vegetables grown on-site, this console’s textured metal lid is supposed to flip open to reveal a pressure canner. The lid was fabricated by Rigidized Metals Corporation, one of UB’s biggest industrial partners and donors for the competition. Four shelves feature grooves—milled by a computer-controlled router— for organizing Mason jars.